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No matter what your definition of success is, YOU CAN ACHIEVE IT.

How do I know this? Because I did it.

Not too long ago I was not only overwhelmed financially, but I thought my world was over. Having not passed the medical boards, and coming to accept the fact that medicine was not going to be my future career -- something that I had dreamed about since I was a child -- I had developed a terrible temper and a sarcastic view of life in general.

Thankfully I had great friends and did not fall into depression. My background in martial arts taught me discipline. All my education from Medical School to Business School taught me that there is opportunity everywhere. And being raised by a single mother, I knew that human beings possess amazing power to adapt to challenges. I knew all this intellectually but I did not yet know how to apply this knowledge to make my life a success.

When I lost my first career job after medical school, I was forced to do whatever it took to pay rent, my medical school loans, and put food on the table. At a networking marketing company Called Primerica,  I found out about a little book called THINK AND GROW RICH by Napoleon Hill. I read that book 7 times, and to this day I read it, or listen to it in my car at least once a month.

From there things started to change. I was able to pay off over $100,000 in student loans. An amazing woman saw in me what I could not see and I have been blessed with a loving marriage and 2 beautiful children that teach me something new every day. 

Our midwife showed us the DVD of THE SECRET. I was intrigued and little skeptical -- I am a scientist after all.  So I bought the book and read it 3 times. I also saw the DVD WHAT THE BLEEP DO WE KNOW which was more scientific. 

Suddenly things started to click for me. I realized that the techniques that had propelled me this far were the same. More and more books and audio programs came into my hands. I read AS A MAN THINKETH and THE MASTER KEY SYSTEM one after the other. Then I was introduced to the Abraham-Hicks books, like ASK AND IT IS GIVEN and THE ASTONISHING POWER OF EMOTIONS.  The more I read, the more I realized that I was using the same principals of behavior every day since I lost my job. I also realized that unlike many people, I had no problem making it work to help me succeed in every area of my life.

I realized that I was able to look at the world much differently. I realized that if I had not been introduced to this way of thinking, I would have been devastated when my mother suddenly went blind in both eyes due to Giant Cell Arteritis. This was especially true because I knew the history of this aliment from my extensive medical background, and the fact that it normally was not so sudden and even more rarely in both eyes. My old persona would have seen it as just another crap hand that life dealt to a victim. But that was not the case. The situation brought my mother closer to me and also helped her be a calmer person, and in all seriousness has probably extended her life.

Since I was able to use these principals of behavior effectively from the beginning I started to see how I could give back to the community. I started a blog and published my first book ROAD MAP TO LIFE: A Real World Lesson in 2010. In that book I put together all the lessons I had learned in the 12 years after I graduated from Medical School in the SCHOOL OF HARD KNOCKS. Then I published several more books. These were lessons I wished someone had told me when I was graduating from High School so I would not have made all the mistakes I had growing up in the real world.

Since then, I have spoken to Sales teams to increase their revenue and make and achieve goals, I have done phone counseling to Cancer patients who wanted to give up on life, I have talked at schools and non-profit organizations and now I am bringing you my newsletter and Ebook - THE SCIENCE AND BEHAVIOR OF SUCCESS.


When you sign up for the Science & Behavior of Success Newsletter you get:

1. Practical and actionable advice to succeed in anything you choose to do
2. Action you can take right now to resolve any business challenge
3. Real life situations and how to resolve them
4. Generalized positivity food for the brain

5. And right now you also get my E-book THE SCIENCE AND BEHAVIOR OF SUCCESS for FREE!


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